Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Citizen Kane


I would recommend you all to view this most excellent film by Orson Welles. As the title strangely enough suggests, it is called Citizen Kane.

If you care to look it up before you view, you might (no actually, you will) discover that it was composed (a term used only by English teachers, others say "made") in 1941 or some year like that.

Do not let this put you off though, it's like an amazing film of this day except it's black and white. Personally my favourite bits are the "News on the March" sequence, which many people at school would attest to e.g. Mr. Z-hang.

Yeah, "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree --" xD

At first when I heard the name I thought it was some sci-fi/futuristic utopia/distopia movie (of the likes of 1984 or Judge Dredd or whatever), because typically those kinds of films have names like that.

I guess I was wrong haha.

Anyhow this film overflows with awesomeness. I'm sorry Hamlet-eers but look what you're missing out on...Jokes jokes. We know how much you like Shakespeare...

Anyway I digress! Until next time...



  1. No, I am not surprised to see you lolololol ex-dee.

    citizen pain....though fine, hamlet is just...-_-"

    whatever, cya at school, james.

  2. Alanine finally has a blog!

    Well then.

    "Look! out the window!!"
    "Everybody! Let's go to the window!"

    Have fun watching CHARLES FOSTER KANE and his Rosebud Snowdome/dragon ball XD

    oh no. uve got me going on that XD thing there....

  3. i will enjoy my hamlet thank you very much!
