Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hello again my friends,

After a temporary lapse in posting, which can be attributed to things like kem (another on purpose for chem), I have returned.

Firstly Happy Mother's Day for the mums out there. Mums give up a lot for our sake and today is sort of like a token of appreciation or whatever that phrase is.


A thought that recently crossed my mind is, as the title suggests, the strange phenomenon known as netfighting (if that is not the correct term used to describe web-based arguments then I have just made one up xP).

What I mean, for example, is that if you Youtube some video and then happen to glance at the comments below, sometimes you might see some massive flame war happening.

Now I don't mean any sort of online rant is stupid. For example I am sure many of you bloggers like to let off some steam (Bennett) online. That is okay, better than bottling it up and imploding later on.

What I do mean however, is how some people inflate small issues into some huge flame- and swear-fest in forums and on youtube.

Allow me to illustrate hwat I mean:

Situation: Video about, for example, a scene in a war movie e.g. Apocalypse Now. Comments start civilised BUT then degenerate in an argument mainly between two people about, say, the strength of the US military, which needless to say is absolutely ridiculous because that is not the point of the video.

Situation #2: Gaming video. If thou art a gamer you must have had some bit where you got stuck, so you look up a video or guide to see how you do it, right? I remember I had to get a walkthrough for JKII to realise I had to crawl under some rock on Yavin (or maybe that's just me).

NOW: there are those elements on the WWW who take this to be their grand opportunity to show off their extreme gaming skillz, honed through playing the same level (e.g. COD4 plane level) a zillion times each day. They do this not by posting their own video but by saying stuff like "you suck" or something worse to other people's attempts. Yeah we know you (the hardcore gamer) reload after one bullet in a 30 bullet mag, we know you play 10 hours a day, but try to realise that just because someone else doesn't fit into your perception of skilled gamer, doesn't mean that they suck or whatever. You play for fun, not to show off like its some life-or-death situation.

Yes games are good, but not when it gets taken this far. D:

Tragically, common to both situations are how the attacks start to become personal. What's the point? The dramatis personae are probably on opposite sides of the globe, so they'll probably never meet.

And, my friends, you will discover the reasons are quite petty. It's like if someone accidentally shoves you on a crowded bus and then you have some huge hissy fit, as if he/she suddenly declared a personal vendetta against you.

I think these are cases of "chow hei geen see" (literally: "fry up the incident" in canto, metaphorically or whatever, it means inflate the small issue into a huge thing which it isn't). Yes, a canto translation thingo =D.

That is quite unnecessary. If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it. We should remember that we're all equal and there is no right whatsoever for one person to lord it over another, and we all have the same failings at some certain stage.

Soooo that's what I think anyway. I am sorry if any of the mentioned bits have offended.

Comments always welcome. Keep it civilised please.

Thankyou for taking your time to read this.

I have rambled enough! Auf wiedersehen xD.

Note this is not a rant, just a reflection :)


  1. I believe on some sites, people are trying to enlarge/preserve their "e-pen0r" if you know what I mean.


    FIGHT FOR US! WHAT SAY YOU! WHAT SAY YOU! WHAT SAY YOU! WHAT SAY YOU! (says it a million more times despite it being clear the ghost guy isn't going to answer him verbally, and has even disappeared into the walls)

  2. Bahaha, I love the cantonese you incorporated into your blog. Learning from the master ehh :P

    If the internet didn't exist, there would be less arguements. People feel braver when they are infront of a computer screen, than compared to say... a big fat man with a red face and a fist forming ready to punch.. :)

  3. yes, happy mothers day to you indeed....or thats what your kids will say TO YOU in a few years time. jedi knight man xD

    oh the irony of it all if this turns into a "net fight" but yes, "pros" that look down on less experienced people with contempt are nothing but hypocritical faggets.

  4. Faggots is spelt with an "o".

    Changing one letter of a contemporarily insulting word does not detract from the rudeness it generates.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol. weihao insists on fagget with an e, and if anyone's a netfighter, he is. i'd just take his word for it :P

  7. nice words of wisdom.

    i hope i pronounced the canto correctly as i read it.

  8. @ bk201. I left a translation just in case my canto thingo was abit dodgy.

    @ Z-hang Of course JK otherwise if you kill me you'll be killing yourself too geddit? Hahaa
